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àð÷ñõрøтõÑÂь. ßрþôðют ñõ÷ úðÑÂÑÂþòþóþ чõúð, ôðтð óþôýþÑÂтø ýðÿøÑÂðýýð ýð øýþÑÂтрðýýþü ÑÂ÷ыúõ. àõÑÂûø ÿрþÑÂрþчõýýыù тþòðр ò âÑÂýьшø ÷ðúðöõт ø úуÿøт ÑÂûõÿþù чõûþòõú, ø ÷ðúð÷ õüу ÿрøòõ÷ёт úурьõр, чтþ тþóôð ñуôõт?æõýтр ÃœþÑÂúòы, ð тðúþù ñõÑÂÿрõôõû.

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017

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Being brave is letting go of ALL the past.. not letting it effect you any longer. Opening up yourself for the future and all it has to offer. Realize the past doesn’t define who you are and what you make of your future is.

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017

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I work with middle and high school age kids. The issues that most of them face day to day would cripple many healthy adults. I believe it’s up to the adults in their lives to continually be there, even just to listen. The reality of this is very scary.

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017

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Nur konsequent, dass dem guten “Batman begins†und dem hervorragenden “The Dark Knight†der gottverfickt und verdammtnocheins beste Batman-Film aller Zeiten folgt.An dieser Stelle aufgehört zu lesen. Gehe voller Vorfreude auf den Film schlafen und werde nach Kinobesuch weiter lesen.Schön, das Ganze!

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017ünstige-k...: Everyone knows thatünstige-kredite-ver

Everyone knows that ‘Stupid Human Boat Tricks’ are always better experienced when you have someone to share them with. You will always be my ‘Stupid Human Boat Trick’ plucky comic relief!…

Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2017


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